Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Hallelujah Flight

Bildner, P. (2010). The hallelujah flight. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons.

Texas Bluebonnet Award, 2011 - 2012

Exposition (the beginning of the story, establishment of setting and characters):  This story depicts the journey of African American pilot James Banning and his African American co-pilot/mechanic Thomas Allen, also known as the “Flying Hoboes,” as they attempt to fly their OXX6 Eagle Rock plane from sea to shining sea in 1932.

Conflict (the problem(s) faced by the characters):   Banning and Allen experience many trials along the way, ranging from a plane having a mind of its own to hot weather to storms to nightfall to prejudice.

Rising Action (events in the story leading up to the climax):  Banning and Allen receive lots of grief from the airport crew, but they take flight on September 19, 1932 from Los Angeles, and even though they have to make multiple stops on their journey, they are given help from locals along the way because they promised them they could sign their names on the wing; when met with trials or adversaries, Banning and Allen proclaim “hallelujah” after they overcome them each time.

Climax (the culmination of events in the story, point of highest reader interest):  After 3,300 miles and 21 days, Banning and Allen finally landed at Mercer Airport in West Trenton, New Jersey, and on October 9, 1932, James Banning piloted the plane over New York City Harbor. 

Falling Action (events leading to the solving of the story’s problems):  Banning and Allen received a hero’s welcome in Harlem.

Resolution (how events and problems of the story are solved): The "Flying Hoboes" term their adventure “The Hallelujah Flight.”

Picture books only (Was this a well illustrated book? Describe how it was or was not well-illustrated in 3 sentences.):  John Holyfield, illustrator of The Hallelujah Flight, uses richly colored paintings to capture the essence of the African Americans’ experiences as they journey across America.  He portrays the main characters as two determined men who love what they are doing, indicated by the smiles that are almost constantly on their faces.  He also does an expert job of illustrating the beautiful landscapes the two see during their journey across the country, such as the picturesque Grand Canyon and New York City Harbor. 

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